Mending Hearts - Halfway House

Mending Hearts

(615) 385-1696

4305 Albion Street
Nashville, TN - 37228

Mending Hearts is a residential recovery-oriented therapeutic community for women who are or are at risk of becoming homeless as a result of their addiction to drugs, alcohol or both. Our facilities located in West Nashville are home to over 40 women who are in residence to address their addiction and the current circumstances of their life.

Mending Hearts has a strict policy for residents regarding women taking personal responsibility for the condition of their own lives and the path of destruction that addiction has on them.We do not tolerate the use of any illegal substance or alcohol by our residents while they are in our care.

We require a life of sobriety and disciplined recovery. A requisite for program completion is that each woman, in addition to remaining substance free, must acquire stable housing and gainful employment, as well as begin to restore familial and personal relationships where appropriate with people that were isolated or hurt as a result of addiction. Mending Hearts is providing a much needed service in Middle Tennessee by creating a safe environment for women to recover while providing supportive services to ensure long term success.

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Comments (2)

  1. Thursday, December 13, 2018

    Hello my name is Amanda I am currently at Shelby county division of corrections. I am needing a half way house to go to when I am let out in January. Please let me know if I could get an application to apply

  2. Saturday, May 11, 2019

    Need halfway house recovering addict and homeless

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